viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015

Expert on your Field

Hi, everybody today is Friday and it is a new day to post a blog. The topic today is a person on my field that I admire, I was thinking about this question and I don’t have anyone to admire because is very difficult to me admire an expert in my field.
Nonetheless, lately I’m interesting about a philosopher because is principles are revolutionary to the age in he was born.
He is Immanuel Kant, was born and raised in Konigsberg, Prussia, now called Kaliningrad, Russia. He was a man of structure and lived an uneventful life. He don’t have a wife, and never travelled and was a great thinker. He was a philosopher and their theory talk about the reason of the people and the knowledge through the argument.
Kant believed that no one can say for certain what reality is. They can only be certain of what reality appears to be to them.

I am lately interesting about Kant, because I study him in a subject, and his philosophy are very important to now, learn through the

2 comentarios:

  1. nice blog Constanza...would certainly follow your blog...if want to increase your reader base completely FREE through email marketing then do visit my blog

  2. I've studied in class too, but I've never read any of his writings...
